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Discovery Operation Status




    running_scans_count integerrequired

    Number of discovery scans currently running.

    last_complete_scan objectrequired

    The most recent discovery scan completed.

    id stringrequired

    A unique Base58 value identifying this object.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [regular, scheduled]

    • regular - Regular
    • scheduled - Scheduled
    created_at date-timerequired
    started_at date-timenullablerequired
    completed_at date-timenullablerequired
    status stringrequired

    Possible values: [queued, canceling, canceled, pending, in_progress, completed, failed]

    Status of the discovery scan

    • queued - Queued
    • canceling - Canceling
    • canceled - Canceled
    • pending - Pending
    • in_progress - In progress
    • completed - Completed
    • failed - Failed
    domain_then objectrequired
    hostname stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^(?:(?:0|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]?[0-9]?|[1-9][0-9]?)(?:\.(?:0|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]?[0-9]?|[1-9][0-9]?)){3}|\[[0-9a-f:.]+\]|([a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9](?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9_-]{0,61}[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9])?(?:\.(?!-)[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9-]{1,63}(?<!-))*(\.(?!-)(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff-]{2,63}|xn--[a-z0-9]{1,59})(?<!-)\.?)?))(?::\d{2,5})?$

    Domain name with an associated IP address or an IP address itself.
    For example, "", "", or "". The maximum length is 256 characters.

    id stringrequired

    A unique Base58 value identifying this object.

    verification_token uuidrequired

    Token used to verify the domain of the target.

    verification_date date-timenullablerequired

    Date and time of the verification of the domain, in ISO 8601 UTC format.
    For example, "2023-08-09T13:27:43.8208302"

    verification_method stringrequired

    Possible values: [file, back_office, existing_domain, dns_txt, dns, dns_cname, meta_tag, whitelist, email, aws_route53, cloudflare, waved]

    Method used in the domain verification:

    • file - Verifies the domain against a text file in the root directory of the website. Learn more in this article.

    • back_office - Automatically set if manually verified in the back-office. Read-only.

    • existing_domain - Automatically set if the upper-level domain is verified. For example, "" is automatically verified if "" is verified. Read-only.

    • dns_txt - Verifies the domain against a TXT record in the Domain Name System (DNS). Learn more in this article.

    • dns - Same as dns_txt.

    • dns_cname - Verifies the domain against a CNAME record in the Domain Name System (DNS). Learn more in this article.

    • meta_tag - Verifies the domain against a meta tag in the index page of the website. Learn more in this article.

    • whitelist - Automatically verifies if the domain is in the whitelist

    • email - Automatically verifies a domain if the user's email is in the same domain as the target

    • aws_route53 - Automatically verifies a domain if the hostname exists as an AWS Route53 Zone.

    • cloudflare - Automatically verifies a domain if the host name exists and is verified as a CloudflareZone.

    • waved - Automatically verifies a domain if there is a waver agreement.

    verification_last_error stringnullablerequired

    Error of the last verification of the domain.
    Empty if no error occurred.

    verified booleanrequired

    If true, the domain is verified.

    basic_auth_username stringnullablerequired

    Username used for basic authentication.

    basic_auth_password stringnullablerequired

    Password used for basic authentication.

    port integernullablerequired

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 65535

    IP Port to send the requests to.
    If not defined, uses the default ports for HTTPS and HTTP (if the verification method requires making HTTP requests).

    discovery_enabled booleanrequired
    source objectrequired
    id stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: <= 256 characters

    next_scheduled_scan_at date-timerequired

    Date the next discovery scan scheduled to run.
