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List Discovered Asset's Logs




Path Parameters

    discovery_asset_id stringrequired

    Identifier of the discovery asset.
    A unique Base58 value identifying this object.

Query Parameters

    event_type string[]

    Possible values: [domain, first_seen, ip, note, owner, risk, scan, score, technology]

    Type of event to filter results:

    • first_seen - First Seen
    • domain - Domain
    • ip - IP
    • risk - Risk
    • scan - Scan
    • note - Note
    • owner - Owner
    • score - Score
    • technology - Technology
    length integer

    Number of results to return per page.

    ordering string

    Which field to use when ordering the results.

    page integer

    A page number within the paginated result set.

    search string

    A search term.



    count integer

    Total number of results.

    page_total integer

    Total number of pages.

    page integer

    Number of the current page.
    The first page is 1.
    Defaults to 1 if no specific page is requested.

    length integer

    Number of results returned per page.



  • Array [

  • id stringrequired

    A unique Base58 value identifying this object.

    change stringrequired

    Type of change made to the log:

    • created - Created.
    • changed - Changed.
    • deleted - Deleted.
    • comment - Commented.
    changed date-timerequired

    Timestamp of the most recent change to the discovery asset, in ISO 8601 UTC format.
    For example, "2023-08-09T13:27:43.8208302




    User responsible for the log entry.

    id stringrequired

    A unique Base58 value identifying this object.

    email email

    Possible values: <= 254 characters

    Email of the user.

    name stringrequired

    Name of the user.

    field stringnullable

    Possible values: <= 50 characters

    Field that changed in the discovered asset.

    value required

    The current value of the changed field in the discovered asset.

    old_value required

    The previous value of the changed field in the discovered asset.

    message stringrequired

    Logged message, which can include HTML tags.
    For example, "<strong>Scan</strong> performed.".

    history_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [+, -, ~]

    Type of change made to the discovery asset.

    • + - +
    • - - -
    • ~ - ~
  • ]
