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Core Concepts Overview

To integrate with Probely, you must understand the underlying concepts of its DAST and how they relate. By doing this, you will gain the necessary knowledge to master the information found in this documentation and make the most of your implementations.

Starting at a high level, these are the core Probely concepts:

API Concepts Overview
  • Account - Once you sign up to Probely, you will have an account that allows you to use the Probely features you are entitled to in your subscription plan.

  • Targets - In your account, you have your targets, which represent the web apps and APIs in which you want to identify security vulnerabilities. Probely provides multiple features for configuring your targets to adjust them to your needs and get the best results.

  • Scans - Once you create a target, you can run scans to identify its security vulnerabilities. Scans have several steps involving different components, and their behavior is determined by what you have configured in the target. Scans are intrinsically related to their targets, but you can also access them at the account level for a global view of all your scans.

  • Findings. - The vulnerabilities identified by a target scan generate findings. They provide you with a lot of valuable information that will help you understand the vulnerabilities and what to do to fix them. Findings are intrinsically related to their targets, but you can also access them at the account level for a global view of all your findings.