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probely scans - CLI interface

Manage existing scans

probely scans {get,pause,cancel,resume} ...

probely scans get

List scans. Use filters or identifiers to narrow the list

probely scans get [-h] [--api-key API_KEY] [--debug] [--f-search SEARCH_TERM]
[--f-completed-gt DATETIME] [--f-completed-gte DATETIME]
[--f-completed-lt DATETIME] [--f-completed-lte DATETIME]
[--f-started-gt DATETIME] [--f-started-gte DATETIME]
[--f-started-lt DATETIME] [--f-started-lte DATETIME] [-o {YAML,JSON}]

probely scans positional arguments

  • SCAN_ID - Identifiers of the scans to list

probely scans optional arguments

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit
  • --api-key API_KEY - Authorization token to make requests to the API
  • --debug - Enables debug mode setting
  • --f-search SEARCH_TERM - Filter scans matching the scan URL, target name, target URL, or labels
  • --f-status F_STATUS - Filter by Scan status
  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT - Changes the output formats based on presets

probely scans Date Filters

Specify the date or datetime for filtering Scans. Use the ISO 8601 format, for example: `2020-07-05` for a date, or `2020-07-05T12:45:30` for a datetime.

  • --f-completed-gt DATETIME - Filter scans completed after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-gte DATETIME - Filter scans completed on or after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-lt DATETIME - Filter scans completed before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-lte DATETIME - Filter scans completed on or before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-gt DATETIME - Filter scans started after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-gte DATETIME - Filter scans started on or after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-lt DATETIME - Filter scans started before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-lte DATETIME - Filter scans started on or before the specified date or datetime.

probely scans pause

Pause running scans given by identifiers or the results of filters

probely scans pause [-h] [--api-key API_KEY] [--debug] [--f-search SEARCH_TERM]
[--f-completed-gt DATETIME] [--f-completed-gte DATETIME]
[--f-completed-lt DATETIME] [--f-completed-lte DATETIME]
[--f-started-gt DATETIME] [--f-started-gte DATETIME]
[--f-started-lt DATETIME] [--f-started-lte DATETIME] [-o {YAML,JSON}]

probely scans positional arguments

  • SCAN_ID - Identifiers of the scans to pause.

probely scans optional arguments

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit
  • --api-key API_KEY - Authorization token to make requests to the API
  • --debug - Enables debug mode setting
  • --f-search SEARCH_TERM - Filter scans matching the scan URL, target name, target URL, or labels
  • --f-status F_STATUS - Filter by Scan status
  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT - Changes the output formats based on presets

probely scans Date Filters

Specify the date or datetime for filtering Scans. Use the ISO 8601 format, for example: `2020-07-05` for a date, or `2020-07-05T12:45:30` for a datetime.

  • --f-completed-gt DATETIME - Filter scans completed after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-gte DATETIME - Filter scans completed on or after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-lt DATETIME - Filter scans completed before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-lte DATETIME - Filter scans completed on or before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-gt DATETIME - Filter scans started after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-gte DATETIME - Filter scans started on or after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-lt DATETIME - Filter scans started before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-lte DATETIME - Filter scans started on or before the specified date or datetime.

probely scans cancel

Stop unfinished scans given by identifiers or the results of filters

probely scans cancel [-h] [--api-key API_KEY] [--debug] [--f-search SEARCH_TERM]
[--f-completed-gt DATETIME] [--f-completed-gte DATETIME]
[--f-completed-lt DATETIME] [--f-completed-lte DATETIME]
[--f-started-gt DATETIME] [--f-started-gte DATETIME]
[--f-started-lt DATETIME] [--f-started-lte DATETIME] [-o {YAML,JSON}]

probely scans positional arguments

  • SCAN_ID - Identifiers of the scans to cancel

probely scans optional arguments

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit
  • --api-key API_KEY - Authorization token to make requests to the API
  • --debug - Enables debug mode setting
  • --f-search SEARCH_TERM - Filter scans matching the scan URL, target name, target URL, or labels
  • --f-status F_STATUS - Filter by Scan status
  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT - Changes the output formats based on presets

probely scans Date Filters

Specify the date or datetime for filtering Scans. Use the ISO 8601 format, for example: `2020-07-05` for a date, or `2020-07-05T12:45:30` for a datetime.

  • --f-completed-gt DATETIME - Filter scans completed after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-gte DATETIME - Filter scans completed on or after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-lt DATETIME - Filter scans completed before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-lte DATETIME - Filter scans completed on or before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-gt DATETIME - Filter scans started after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-gte DATETIME - Filter scans started on or after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-lt DATETIME - Filter scans started before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-lte DATETIME - Filter scans started on or before the specified date or datetime.

probely scans resume

Resume paused scans given by identifiers or the results of filters

probely scans resume [-h] [--api-key API_KEY] [--debug] [--f-search SEARCH_TERM]
[--f-completed-gt DATETIME] [--f-completed-gte DATETIME]
[--f-completed-lt DATETIME] [--f-completed-lte DATETIME]
[--f-started-gt DATETIME] [--f-started-gte DATETIME]
[--f-started-lt DATETIME] [--f-started-lte DATETIME] [-o {YAML,JSON}]

probely scans positional arguments

  • SCAN_ID - Identifiers of the scans to resume

probely scans optional arguments

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit
  • --api-key API_KEY - Authorization token to make requests to the API
  • --debug - Enables debug mode setting
  • --f-search SEARCH_TERM - Filter scans matching the scan URL, target name, target URL, or labels
  • --f-status F_STATUS - Filter by Scan status
  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT - Changes the output formats based on presets
  • --ignore-blackout-period - Ignore blackout period settings

probely scans Date Filters

Specify the date or datetime for filtering Scans. Use the ISO 8601 format, for example: `2020-07-05` for a date, or `2020-07-05T12:45:30` for a datetime.

  • --f-completed-gt DATETIME - Filter scans completed after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-gte DATETIME - Filter scans completed on or after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-lt DATETIME - Filter scans completed before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-completed-lte DATETIME - Filter scans completed on or before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-gt DATETIME - Filter scans started after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-gte DATETIME - Filter scans started on or after the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-lt DATETIME - Filter scans started before the specified date or datetime.
  • --f-started-lte DATETIME - Filter scans started on or before the specified date or datetime.