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How to start a scan

Start a scan on a target to test it for vulnerabilities. The identified vulnerabilities are known as findings.

Step 1: Start the scan

To start a scan on a target, you need to know the target identifier. You can list the targets in your account to select which target you want to start the scan.

In this request, the target identifier is 2oir9t8RKxdr.

curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: JWT <YOUR_API_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

The response will return the newly started scan with the status as queued.

"id": "3mX3wqKYBRQc",
"target": {
"id": "2oir9t8RKxdr",
"name": "",
"site": {
"id": "spMJGK2QAB7B",
"name": "My target",
"desc": "",
"url": "",
"host": "",
"status": "queued",
"started": null,
"completed": null,

The scan will start soon and the status will change to started. You can check the scan status using the Retrieve Scan endpoint. See also how to check when a scan is complete.

You can also use events to get notified when the scan finishes. Check the API reference documentation on Events for more details.