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Retrieve Credits Details




    promotional_credits int64required

    Possible values: <= 4294967295

    Number of promotional credits available.

    purchased_credits int64required

    Possible values: <= 4294967295

    Number of purchased credits available.

    outstanding_credits int64required

    Possible values: <= 4294967295

    Number of credits in debt. A positive number means debt.

    on_hold_promotional int64required

    Possible values: <= 4294967295

    Number of promotional credits assigned to running scans.

    on_hold_purchased int64required

    Possible values: <= 4294967295

    Number of purchased credits assigned to running scans.

    promotional_expiration_date datenullablerequired

    Date of expiration of the promotional credits, in ISO 8601 UTC format. For example, "2023-08-09".

    purchased_expiration_date datenullablerequired

    Date of expiration of the purchased credits, in ISO 8601 UTC format. For example, "2023-08-09".

    balance integerrequired

    Total number of credits available.

    Calculated from promotional, purchased, and outstanding credits.
