In Probely, a target defines the scope and behavior of a scan on a website, an application, or an API.
Each target has a URL that defines the scope of the scan and also the configuration of the scan behavior as, for example:
- The authentication mechanism for the scanner to be able to log in.
- The scan profile defining how the scan is performed.
- The integration with third-party systems, like Jira, to synchronize scan results.
Learn more about targets in this article: Targets from A to Z.
The endpoints under Targets provide the following functionality:
- Create and manage targets.
- Update and delete targets in bulk.
- Export and import targets.
- Upload and download API schema files of API targets.
- Check authentication in API targets.
- Clear authentication configurations in targets.
- Create and manage logout detectors in targets.
Related Tags
Further functionality related to Targets is provided in the following tags:
- Target Scans Configuration
- Extra Hosts - Manage extra hosts to extend the scope of target scans to more domains.
- Scanning Agents - Manage scanning agents to extend the scope of target scans to internal applications.
- Reduced Scope - Manage reduced scopes to run partial scans on a subset of the target.
- Navigation and Login Sequences - Manage recorded sequences of browser interactions to replay in target scans.
- Scan Profiles - Manage scan profiles to configure how target scans are performed.
- Target Scans
- Scans - Manage target scans.
- Scheduled Scans - Manage scheduled target scans.
- Findings
- Findings - Manage findings obtained from target scans.
- Reports
- Reports - Retrieve reports on findings from target scans.
- Dashboards - Retrieve statistical information on target scans.
- Integrations
- Slack Integration - Manage the integration with Slack to get notifications of events on target scans.
- Jira Cloud Integration - Manage the integration with Jira to synchronize findings from target scans.
- Reports - Delete reports from Jira.
- Azure DevOps Integration - Manage the integration with Azure DevOps to synchronize findings from target scans.
- Events
- Events - Manage notifications of events on targets and target scans.
- Target Management
- Account - Manage targets with unlimited scans in the account.
- Teams - Manage targets in teams.
- Target Labels - Manage labels to apply to targets to facilitate target management.
📄️ List Targets
📄️ Create Target
📄️ Retrieve Target
📄️ Update Target
📄️ Partial Update Target
📄️ Delete Target
📄️ Clear API Authentication Configuration
📄️ Clear Basic Authentication Configuration
📄️ Test Log In to API
📄️ Download API Schema File
📄️ Clear Login Form Configuration.
Endpoint for interacting with Scopes (AKA Targets).
📄️ Clear Logout Detection Configuration
📄️ Clear 2FA Configuration
📄️ Send OTP
📄️ Reset OTP URL
📄️ Start a scan
📄️ Clear Login Sequence Configuration
📄️ Upload API Schema File
📄️ List Logout Detectors
📄️ Create Logout Detector
📄️ Retrieve Logout Detector
📄️ Update Logout Detector
📄️ Partial Update Logout Detector
📄️ Delete Logout Detector
📄️ Bulk Delete Targets
Disable multiple Targets in one operation.
📄️ Bulk Update Targets
Update multiple Targets in one operation.
📄️ Export Targets
📄️ Import Targets
The upload functionality allows the automatic creation of new targets from multiple file formats (`.yaml`, `.csv`, `.json`).